What is MINDsprinting?
How much does MINDsprinting cost? How does it compare to other programs?
Is the program right for me?
How does MINDsprinting work?
I have questions about specific program features.
How does MINDsprinting work?

How does a student get started?
How is the Assessment Test taken?
What does the Assessment Test do?
Does a student have to take the Assessment Test?
How does MINDsprinting’s math program work?
What skills does the Math program address?
How does MINDsprinting’s Reading Comprehension program work?
(1) Register;
(2) Download Adobe® Reader®(for free) if you don’t already have Version 3.0 or higher;
(3) Take our Assessment Test;
(4) Print the first lesson; and
(5) You’re on your way!


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