MINDsprinting provides more than 14,000 pages of education material (teaching lessons, practice sets, unit tests, and answer keys). Units and lessons are arranged in a proven logical sequence of building blocks that build upon each other. We make sure that each "block" is firmly in place before the student advances to the next one.
PLEASE NOTE that a student's "grade" in school does NOT mean that he/she will be assigned a lesson similar to the sample lesson below for the same "grade." We do NOT assign lessons by "grade" - we assign lessons by student ability. Our Assessment Test determines skills that have been mastered and necessary un-mastered skills are assigned and taught. Because different school systems teach certain skills at different times (sometimes even in different "grades"), our sequencing ensures that ALL students can benefit. And should you prefer a different starting point, or to select your own topics of study, we provide you the flexibility to move forwards or backwards in our curriculum at any time via Fast Tracking. These tools make MINDsprinting ideal for both remedial and enrichment students.
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