What is MINDsprinting?
How much does MINDsprinting cost? How does it compare to other programs?
Is the program right for me?
How does MINDsprinting work?
I have questions about specific program features.
How does MINDsprinting work?

How does a student get started?
How is the Assessment Test taken?
What does the Assessment Test do?
Does a student have to take the Assessment Test?
How does MINDsprinting’s math program work?
What skills does the Math program address?
How does MINDsprinting’s Reading Comprehension program work?
Yes. As a “directed” program, we need to determine the student’s skill levels, and ensure that all the core “building blocks” are firmly in place before we can assign lessons that the student will be able to understand. However, for those parents or students seeking specific areas of study, or wishing to avoid practice of skill sets, we have provided you with Fast Tracking.  Click here to find out more about Fast Tracking


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