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How does MINDsprinting work?

How does a student get started?
How is the Assessment Test taken?
What does the Assessment Test do?
Does a student have to take the Assessment Test?
How does MINDsprinting’s math program work?
What skills does the Math program address?
How does MINDsprinting’s Reading Comprehension program work?
The core skills taught in kindergarten through high school. These skills can generally be divided into 3 groups:

I. Basic Concepts: Foundational material usually taught in grades K-2. Understanding of these concepts is essential for future math learning. Topics include: number recognition; counting; place value; measurement; and geometry.

II. Operations: The rote section of mathematical learning (i.e. mechanics and memorization). Here we present questions in a variety of mathematical ways and challenge students to apply their understanding of Basic Concepts. Topics include: addition; subtraction; multiplication; and division.

III. Application: Problem solving. Here a student learns to incorporate everything he/she knows about Basic Concepts and Operations, in order to solve particular problems. Most problems are presented in non-mathematical ways (e.g. text vs. numerical problems). Students learn to apply mental computation skills and logic and reasoning to devise strategies to solve problems. Some of the topics students will cover in our program are: rate, ratio and proportion; area, perimeter and volume; fractions, decimals and percent; integers, exponents and absolute values; algebra and linear equations; and quadratic functions and trigonometry; just to name a few.


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