No! The MINDsprinting consumer enrollees you
refer pay $15 per program per month. In order for MINDsprinting to be able
to deliver its programs for such a low price, the enroller must pay the entire
year’s tuition in advance. BUT the enroller can terminate at any time
and receive a pro-rata refund (excluding the first month’s tuition).
So, when a student is enrolled, MINDsprinting only earns (and is assured
of keeping) the first month tuition fee of $15. Of that amount MINDsprinting pays you the Affiliate $7.00 --nearly one-half the non-refundable portion.
And your Fee is earned upon the enroller’s payment - you do NOT have
to return any portion of your Fee if the enroller terminates the student’s
program after the first month (or at any other time).