Beginning Reading, Kindergarten - 3rd grade: FREE!
Reading Excellence
Learning To ReadOur Reading Excellence program teaches children how to read using a combination of phonics and psycho-linguistics. Children begin by learning the alphabet by sound rather than name. When the alphabet has been mastered, they advance to other necessary skills (decoding, early inferencing, sequencing, and identifying main ideas). From the very beginning, children enjoy the exercises and quickly develop their skills and confidence as readers, building the self-esteem essential for later academic success.

Reading's Twin: Writing

When students are ready, writing is introduced. Clear writing is an expression of clear thinking.

Self-Paced Advancement

Each student progresses at his/her own pace, ensuring mastery of reading and writing basics. Once a student has completed the Reading Excellence program, he/she is ready for the next step - improving comprehension - and is automatically transferred into our Reading Comprehension program.

Want to know more about our method?
Download our methodology as a .pdf

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